In this last talk on Sustainability, I look at managing our
energy resources. Energy is the driving
force of our civilisation and
fossil fuels have provided bulk of the energy used. This has caused CO2 levels
in the atmosphere to
rise with many negative implications for our climate. Introduction of alternative energy sources
which do not increase CO2 levels has been slow and disappointing; and despite warning
about impending climate change problems the world governments have only really
paid lip-service to addressing the problem.
This is partly because of the way our system of government works where various
big business can seriously influence policies and funding of research projects
– and fossil fuel industry is big.
In this
talk I have discussed
the current situation (as of 2012) and the way Solar and Wind can help to
replace fossil fuels. Nuclear energy is not discussed in detail here as this is
a subject of a separate talk that I shall publish in due course.